The bit where Edward Fox stops the sports car at the sign in the road that points to Italy or France - abandoning the job and safety or going ahead - is great :-)

The part where he disposes of the French woman he encounters still shocks me whenever I re-watch it.

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Yes, I love the way that the Jackal becomes progressively more ruthless, particularly in the last third of the film

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Thank you for this. Any chance to recover The day of the Jackal is welcome. You might like in a thread I made some time ago about different covers of the novel.


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Stunning work, Alex, thanks for sharing it.

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That movie is a big favorite of mine, Fox is perfect in the part. Nice cameo by a watermelon, lol! I love the book too. I read a ton of Forsyth’s books in these days…

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Thank you, Andrew. I have always been fond of The Day Of The Jackal too!

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My pleasure, Brendan. Good to see so many fans of this film out there.

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